Abstract. The concept of digital economy is used in almost any sphere of the world economy. Information and communication technologies are actively spreading in economic and economic processes, contributing to the formation and development of new effective management technologies, commercial activities, effective business processes. The development of agro-industrial production is burdened by the influence of climatic, geographical and natural conditions, in connection with which it is poorly protected and has weaknesses. When in the field of industrial production there is an opportunity to provide for possible development options in a timely manner and make changes to the development strategy, then there is no such opportunity in the agricultural sector. The purpose of the study is to analyze the advantages of digital transformation of agriculture. The main research methods are system analysis, general logical research methods (comparison, generalization); economic and statistical analysis of data on the state of agriculture in the regions of Russia. Research objectives: 1) to analyze the expected results of the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex; 2) to investigate the main stages of the Digital Agriculture project. Results. The digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex will lead to the conduct of smart agriculture – a high-tech complex of solutions that allows for maximum automation of the industry to increase the level of competitiveness and productivity, as well as attract investment in the industry. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the integrated level of informatization of agricultural enterprises in the region in the conditions of digitalization. Based on the analysis, an assessment of the use of digital technologies in agricultural enterprises in the modern period is given.
innovation, digitalization, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, digital economy, economic growth, digital technologies
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