Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose is to study the effect of the organic preparation “Ekobiosfera” of various spectrum of action on morphophysiological processes during the germination of seeds of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.), Quercus robur L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Calligonum aphyllum (Pall.). Research methodology. The experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions in three variants of applying the drug – 10, 15 and 20 ml/l of water, stratified and scarified seeds were soaked in a working solution for 12 hours to a day, their growth and development were observed in the laboratory in the plant rooms, and immediately before planting in the substrate (zonal lightchestnut soil + peat) conditions. The repetition of the experiment is three-fold, with control, 20 plants in each variant of the experiment. Results. In the course of research, the authors have established the necessity and expediency of using the drug “Ekobiosfera” as a biostimulator for the growth of phytomass and roots. The most optimal dosage for the growth and development of samples of woody species is 10 and 15 ml/l. With an increase or decrease in the dose, plants experienced wilting and inhibition of growth, a lower percentage of preservation. Also, the positive effect of LED lighting on seedlings of oak and Crimean pine was found. For robinia pseudoactation, the selection of the optimal dose of the drug and lighting is required, for the leafless juzgun, the drug is ineffective due to the inconsistency of soil and climatic conditions of cultivation, which requires further study. Thus, the positive effect of the organic preparation “Ekobiosfera” on the growth and development of coniferous and deciduous species for nursery breeding in the arid zone was noted. Scientific novelty. In the conditions of the arid region, the effect of the organic preparation “Ekobiosfera” on tree species was studied for the first time. Taking into account the reaction of the seeds of the studied plants, effective doses of introducing a growth stimulant have been developed, optimal lighting options for plants in the process of growing have been proposed.

biostimulators of growth, development, growth, “Ekobiosfera”, rational nature management, arid region
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