Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. To study the effect of the spectral composition of light on the processes of plant life, the most successful source of illumination is light-emitting diodes, which allow you to receive light waves of a certain length. Currently, great prospects are associated with the development of microbial biological products based on endophytic strains of bacteria of the genus Bacillus, which inhabit internal tissues without harm to the host. The article presents the results of studies of the influence of red, blue, red + blue and white light spectra in combination with endophytic strains of B. subtilis 10–4 bacteria on the vegetative reproduction of Lilium × hybrida ‘Trendy Savannah’ in a closed room without access to sunlight. The purpose of the work is to identify the optimal conditions for obtaining high-quality planting material for lilium. Methods. The light was provided by LED modules. The bulbs of Lilium for experimental variants were soaked in B. subtilis 10–4 before planting. Scientific novelty. For the first time, specificity was revealed in the formation of vegetative and generative organs of the cultivar, as well as in the cycle of seasonal development, depending on lighting options. Results. According to the results of the conducted studies, it was revealed that to obtain bulblets, as a material for vegetative reproduction of Lilium × hybrida ‘Trendy Savannah’ in a closed room, it is most promising to use the red light spectrum without treating bulbs with bacteria; to obtain baby onions – the blue range in combination with strains of B. subtilis 10–4 bacteria. The results of two-factor dispersion analysis showed that the greatest influence of the light mode factor was revealed for the height of bulblets and the number of bulblets and the processing factor of B. subtilis bulbs 10–4 – for the diameter of bulblets and the length of the leaves of bulblets. A significant maximum of the total contribution of both factors (A × B) was noted for the width of the leaves of bulblets and the number of baby onions.

Lilium × hybrida ‘Trendy Savannah’; vegetative breeding; LED emitters; emission spectrum; bulblets; baby onions
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