Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of research - to explore the genetic variability parameters of features the physique and productivity of Holstein cows, depending on the level of their milk yield. Research methods. The SELEX database was used. Animals (1610 heads) were divided into 3 groups according to milk yield per 1 lactation: 1 – milk yield no more 7500 kg, 2 – 7501–9000 kg, group 3 9001 kg of milk and more. Correlograms are based on R scripts in R-Studio. Results. Cows of the 3rd group are taller (p ≤ 0,001), with a deeper body (p ≤ 0,001), a wide rear and a greater udder depth (p ≤ 0,001). In group 3, milk yield and protein are higher (p ≤ 0,01). Animals of group 2 are taller (p ≤ 0,001), with high hind lobes, longer teats (p ≤ 0,001), and deep udders (p ≤ 0,01). In group 2, r according to the ratio: height in the sacrum / depth of the udder (0,58). Animals of the 3rd group - height in the sacrum / milky type (0,77), strength / depth of the body (0,63), height, width of the buttocks / height of the posterior lobes (0,62…0,60). In group 1, r between signs: height of the rear lobes / position of the hindquarters and depth of the udder (0,72...0,79), length of the front lobes / height of the hind lobes, udder depth / central ligament (0,60). According to the milk protein h² in animals of groups 2 and 3 0,52...0,74. Animals of the 3rd group have a high h² in terms of height, body depth, heel and udder height, body strength and udder depth. In group 2, high h² in terms of the depth of the body, the position of the rear, the angle of the hind legs from the side, the location of the front nipples, the length of the nipples, and the strength of the physique. Scientific novelty. The use of digital technologies in the evaluation of animals makes it possible to more accurately establish the relationship between the characteristics of the productivity of dairy animals and the physique and contributes to an increase in milk yield, the qualitative composition of milk and the longevity of cows.

Holstein cows, body type, conformation, heritability, genetic correlation, selection
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