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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose is to study correlation dependence of soybean varieties yield on hydrothermal conditions of the southern zone of the Amur region. Methods. The subject of research are local recognized standard soybean varieties – Lidiya, Dauriya, and Alena. The experimental part of the work was carried out in 2017–2021 on the experimental field of the Soybean Breeding and Genetics Laboratory of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Federal Research Center All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean (FSBSI FRC ARSRIS). The varieties were studied in the nursery of competitive variety testing. Sowing was carried out in triplicate by the method of randomized repetitions (blocks) in the period from May 19 to May 21 using a SN-P-16 seeder. The plot area is 40.5 m2. During the growing season, cultivation, manual weeding, phenological observations and visual assessments were carried out. The plots were harvested by continuous threshing with a Sampo 130 combine. The yield of varieties was determined in terms of standard moisture content (14 %). Results. In the course of the yield data analysis of varieties depending on weather conditions it was found that 2019 and 2020 were excessively wet (HTF – 2.6; 2.4), optimum conditions developed in 2017 (HTF – 1.7). The highest average varietal yield (26.5) over the years of research was noted in 2017, the lowest (23.4 c/ha) – in adverse meteorological conditions of 2018, due to drought period of the early plant growth and heavy storm rainfall afterwards. It was found in the course of research that formation of the Lidiya soybean variety yield is mainly influenced by the effective heat sum during periods of sprouting – flowering and flowering – ripening (r = 0.51 and –0.53). The productivity of the Dauriya variety is more dependent on the air temperature (r = –0.61) and total precipitation, and HTF of flowering – ripening periods (r = 0.62; 0.67). The Alena soybean variety showed a fairly close correlation dependence of the productivity on the effective heat sum of the periods of dropping – sprouting and flowering – ripening (r = –0.87 and –0.68), and the amount of precipitation and HTF of the period sprouting – flowering (r = –0.64 and –0.60 respectively). Scientific novelty. Special aspects of meteorological effects on the yield of soybean varieties of various ripeness groups have been established; the correlation between them have been determined. It has been found that all studied varieties are highly adapted to changing weather and climatic conditions of the Amur Region.

soybean, variety, meteorological effects, effective heat sum, total precipitation, hydrothermic factor, yield, correlation
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