Abstract. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of the growth stimulant “Epin-Extra” on the photosynthetic activity of potato crops of the Nevskiy variety according to the results of field experiments. Methods. The studies of the tasks were carried out on the experimental section of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Piedmont Agriculture – branch of the VSC of RAS in the conditions of the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania according to generally accepted methods during 2019–2021. The soil of the experimental site is medium-powerful heavy loamy leached black earth, underlain by pebbles. Results. The results of the study indicate a positive effect of the use of the growth stimulant “Epin-Extra” in the cultivation of potatoes of the Nevskiy variety in the conditions of the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The drug of the growth stimulant “Epin-Extra” contributes to an increase in the biometric indicators of potatoes: the height of plants by 1.4–3.3 cm, the number of main stems is 0.3–0.7 pcs. per bush compared to the control. It is established, that growth factor “Epin-Extra” strengthens process of formation of the area of leaves and keeps them during vegetation. On all skilled versions the area of leaves above a control version on 8.01; 4.54; 10.7 %, accordingly. The greatest sheet surface is noted at complex use of a growth factor in comparison with other skilled versions, the increase has made 8.2 and 6.0 %. The photosynthetic potential on skilled versions on the average varied from 1.32 up to 1.45 mln m2/ha days, which is 0.11; 0.19; 0.24 mln m2/ha days is more than the control option. The biological preparation “Epin-Extra” has a polyfunctional effect on potato plants. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania it was the effect of the growth stimulator “Epin-Extra” on potato plantings was studied Nevskiy variety. Practical significance. The studies carried out make it possible to recommend the use of an effective growth stimulant “Epin-Extra” in the production of potatoes in the foothill zone in the pre-planting treatment of potatoes at a dose of 10 ml/t and when spraying plant leaves at a dose of 60 ml/ha in the budding phase, as an environmentally safe and low-cost agricultural technique that provides an increase in yield, the quality of potato tubers and resistance to late blight.
Epin-Extra, growth stimulant, potatoes, Nevskiy variety, biometric indicators of potatoes, photosynthetic activity, pure photosynthesis productivity
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