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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Barley production in Russia and, in particular, in the Rostov region, is of great economic importance. There are positive and negative cultivation feature of the crop in this region. Spring barley has occupied its niche in production here, and in recent years the interest of breeders has been turned to its hulles forms. In order to develop a new promising breeding material, it is necessary to study comprehensively a various source material, including its responsiveness to diseases. The purpose of the current study was an immunological estimation of the world collection of hulles barley, provided by the N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), according to resistance to the main pathogens widely spread in the Rostov region. The applied methods have included observations under conditions of an artificial infectious background, which revealed the immunological response of the varieties to the studied diseases. The created provocative conditions reduced the time of manifestation of susceptibility, and made it possible to cull the studied material at the early stages of the breeding process. The estimation was carried out for resistance to both leaf diseases (powdery mildew and net blotch) and smuts (head and loose). The study was carried out in the period from 2016 to 2018. There were evaluated 95 samples of various ecological and geographical origin. The result of the conducted study was as follows: according to powdery mildew there have been recommended such varieties as 84469/70 (Czech Republic), 1057-1923 (Czech Republic), Orgeniepetite (France) and Yudinsky 1 (Russian Federation). According to barley net blotch resistance, there have been recommended such varieties as 84469/70 (Czech Republic), Mestny (Dagestan), CDC Dawn (Canada) and NB-owa (Nepal). According to head smut resistance, there have been recommended such varieties as CDC Dawn (Canada), CDC Buck (Canada), H 235/66 and 84469/70 (Czech Republic). According to loose smut resistance, there have been recommended such varieties as CDC Dawn (Canada), CDC Buck (Canada), H 235/66, 84469/70 (Czech Republic) and Dublet (Belarus).

hulles barley, powdery mildew, pathogen, resistance, barley net blotch, loose smut, head smut
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