Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study hybrid potato samples according to a complex of economically valuable traits and identify promising ones for creating new highly productive varieties for cultivation in the conditions of the northern regions of the Russian Federation. Methods. The research was carried out on 7 populations of single-club hybrids provided by the All-Russian research institute of potato farming by A. G. Lorh, followed by selection in nurseries of single-club hybrids, second-year hybrids, preliminary and main tests. Observations, records and culling in each nursery were carried out according to the methodological recommendations on the technology of the potato breeding process. Results. As a result of a comprehensive assessment of potato samples in the nursery of the main test, a hybrid of 2193/4 – 41.1 t/ha and 38.6 t/ha was distinguished in the “early” group in terms of total and commercial yield, and a hybrid of 2247/2 – 40.1 and 38.5 t/ha in the “mid-early” group. 13 hybrids were selected for planting in 2022: 5 from the “early” group and 8 from the “mid-early” group, which will later be involved in the breeding process to create new potato varieties with early and medium-early ripening, high productivity and resistance to major diseases. about all the years of study on potato plantings, plant lesions with viral diseases, rhizoctoniosis and macrosporiosis were not detected, and late blight diseases were noted at the end of the growing season. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the creation of highly productive varieties that ensure stable high potato yields in the northern regions of the Russian Federation due to high adaptability and field resistance to the most dangerous diseases. The importance of solving this problem is due to the fact that most potato varieties zoned in the Northern region are insufficiently adapted to local conditions, the nature of which implies an increased stress load on potato plants during the growing season.
: potato, hybrid, variety, breeding nurseries, growing season, yield, stability, precocity
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