Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of various types of micronutrients on the productivity and quality of soybean grain when it is cultivated on the basis of the Kursk State Agricultural University. In a comparative assessment, the effectiveness of processing soybean seeds and crops in phases 2 and 6 of the triple leaf with complex microfertilizers “MikroFid Kompleks”, “MikroFid Tsink” and “MikroFid Bor” and monochelate fertilizers “Reakom-Khelat Tsinka ” and “Reakom-Khelat Bora” was studied. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of chernozems of the Kursk region, the influence of various types of micro-fertilizers on the yield and quality of soybean grain was studied. Methods. In accordance with the scheme of the experiment, a knapsack sprayer was used for processing seeds and soybean crops with micro fertilizers. Sowing was carried out in an ordinary way with a seeding rate of 600 thousand germinating seeds per hectare. All records and observations were carried out in accordance with the generally accepted methodology of field experience. Grain quality indicators were determined on the grain analyzer “INFRATECTM1241”. The method of dispersion analysis was used to process the experimental data obtained. Results. Seed treatment in combination with two-fold foliar fertilization of soybean crops with micro fertilizers had a positive effect on plant growth and development, the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on soybean roots, contributed to an increase in yield by 0.25–0.44 t/ha (10.7–18.8 %), protein content in grain by 1.0–1.9 %, fat by 0.9–1.3 %, in comparison with the control version. The use of complex micronutrients was the most economically advantageous in comparison with monochelate fertilizers. The best economic indicators were obtained in the variant using the complex microelement fertilizer “MikroFid Bor” in seed treatment (1.5 l/t), in combination with two-fold non-root treatment of crops (1.5 l/ha). The fertilizer contributed to an increase in conditional net income by 14 654 rubles/ha, a decrease in the cost of 1 ton of grain by 1717.5 rubles, and an increase in the level of profitability by 32.1 %.
soy, micro fertilizers, chernozem, seed treatment, non-root fertilizing, crop structure, productivity, grain quality, economic indicators
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