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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Background. Due to the fact that now many new forms of poultry are created by crossing existing breeds and populations, a comprehensive genetic analysis of hybrid chickens as a ground for further breeding work is of particular importance. Aim. To study the features of the population and genetic organization of the genomes of inter-breed chicken hybrids. Materials and methodology. The experimental work was based on the use of an oligonucleotide probe (GTG)5, which was labeled with digoxygenin. The probe was hybridized with genomic DNA on a nylon filter, and then labeled DNA fragments were visualized using a streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate chemistry. The number and distribution of DNA fragments was highly specific for each individual. These parameters under study include similarity coefficient (BS), genetic distances between groups (D) and average heterozygosity levels (H). Scientific novelty. For the first time, marker DNA fragments characterizing individual groups of birds have been identified; these fragments can be used in the certification of populations. The novelty of the work also lies in the determination of the main genetic characteristics in new groups of hybrid chickens, which will be used to consolidate the desired breeding traits. Results. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that there are relatively small genetic differences between various hybrid forms, which is the result of using the same source breeds. Brahma × Sussex Light and Uzbek Game × Amrock hybrids were relatively distant from each other (D = 0.070). Sussex Light× Amrock hybrids were the most genetically diverse according to the criterion of average heterozygosity (P = 0.66).

multilocus analysis, DNA probe, heterozygosity, similarity coefficient, restriction endonucleases, hybridization
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