Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the resilience of territorial space of rural areas in modern conditions. The hypothesis is the assumption that the preconditions for the resilience of rural areas in the conditions of modern economic uncertainty are the existing resource potential, industry specifics, as well as the traditional way of the regional agrarian economy. The aim is to study the phenomenon of resilience in relation to rural areas. Objectives: to consider current trends in the development of rural areas at the regional level; to develop a methodology and assess the resilience of rural areas. Methods: scientific analysis and synthesis, analytical interpretation of official statistical data and horizontal analysis, factor aggregation, additive analysis. Scientific novelty. On the basis of generalization of theoretical provisions and development of methodological tools the author's approach to the assessment of operational resilience of rural areas in social, economic and environmental directions was proposed. Results. The interdisciplinary nature of resilience is considered, the review of scientific works of scientists specializing in the spatial development of regional economy, sustainable development of rural areas, state and municipal administration, agroindustrial activity is carried out, the main trends in the development of rural areas under the transformation of social relations of the Russian Federation are considered. The conclusion is formulated that the analysis of transformation processes is necessary not only to restore the lost positions of rural areas of regional space, but also to develop and implement operational measures of resilience taking into account the constantly emerging risks, threats and shocks. The results of the study carried out on statistical indicators of Perm Krai have shown the increasing importance of social infrastructure and its impact on the sustainability of the agrarian economy of the region. The scientific contribution is the approbation of the author's methodology for assessing the operational resilience of rural areas during the instability of hydrocarbon and fuel prices, fluctuations in the national currency and tightening sanctions, the pandemic of coronavirus infection and its consequences. The directions for future research are to determine the trajectories of resilience of the territorial space of the country in the context of federal districts and constituent entities of Russia.
resilience, rural areas, region, spatial development, directions of development, agrarian economy, economic uncertainty, assessment of operational resilience
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