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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to test the effect of an aqueous solution of silicon oxide on the sowing qualities of plant seeds. Methods. The assessment of the effect of silicon oxide (SiO2) on the sowing qualities of seeds was carried out by a laboratory method according to Medical and biological safety assessment of nanomaterials 1.2.2635-10 and GOST 12038-84 “Seeds of agricultural crops. Methods for determining germination”. Asparagus bean seeds Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis of Matilda variety, spring wheat Triticum aestivum L. of Svecha variety, seed radish Raphanus sativus L. of Champion variety and onion Allium cepa L. of Odintsovo variety. The following indicators were taken into account: germination energy and seed germination, number, length and weight of underground and aboveground parts of seedlings. Statistical data processing was carried out by the dispersion method according to B. A. Dospekhov. Scientific novelty. The species-specific reaction of seeds to the treatment with silicon oxide was revealed. The best results in terms of morphometric parameters of seedlings of asparagus bean and spring wheat were obtained when seeds were treated with 0.0025 % silicon oxide, radish – 0.005 %. It is not advisable to treat onion seeds with silicon oxide. According to the research results, asparagus bean seeds turned out to be the most responsive to processing. Germination energy and seed germination in the variant of treatment with 0.0025 % silicon oxide compared to the control (distilled water) were 13.7 % and 3.0 % higher, respectively, but the difference is not significant. The studied concentrations contributed to a significant increase in the average length of the roots. At 0.01 % concentration, this indicator was higher by 30.6 mm, 0.005 % by 30.7 mm, at 0.0025 % by 48.8 mm, respectively (HCP05 = 30.1). The average root weight was 67.5 mg more in the variant of seed treatment with 0.0025% silicon oxide solution (HCP05 = 41.5).

seeds, germination energy, germination, cowpea asparagus, spring wheat, radish, onion
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