Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. One of the priority directions of the state's development at present is the formation of the digital economy. The development of priority economic activities without taking into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress is impossible in a strategic perspective, especially in the field of food security, taking into account global geopolitical and macroeconomic changes. It is necessary to take advantage of the positive high results of increasing agricultural production volumes, supporting this trend with digital improvements at various stages of key business processes. The subject of the study is digital technologies in agriculture. The purpose of the study is to study the problems and prospects of the introduction of digital technologies in the agriculture of the Russian Federation at the present stage. The main research methods are 1) methods of analysis, induction and deduction; 2) methods of generalization and synthesis, scientific abstraction; 3) methods of socio-economic modeling. Research objectives: 1) study of economic and managerial features of digital technologies in agriculture; 2) determine the directions of digital technologies in the field of agricultural production and characterize the stages of this process; 3) develop a process model for managing the introduction of digital technologies in the field of agriculture. Scientific novelty. A process model for managing the introduction of digital technologies in the field of agriculture is presented. Results. The analysis of the state of the agricultural complex in the context of innovative development is carried out. In modern agriculture, there is an increasing need for the use of modern technologies, including data collection, storage and processing systems. The use of IT technologies contributes to increasing the yield and profitability of agriculture, reducing material costs, and more efficient allocation of funds. In general, if certain conditions are met, digital transformation will ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and increase its competitiveness.

agriculture, digital technologies, agriculture, digitalization, automation, integration, competitiveness, IT technologies
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