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Abstract (English):
Abstract. In the conditions of the North-East of the Non-Chernozem zone, experimental work was carried out on the study of a collection of spring garlic at the experimental field of the North-East Federal State Medical University (Kirov). The purpose is to evaluate the breeding material of spring garlic according to economically valuable characteristics in the conditions of the North-East and to identify promising samples for further research. Note the samples that can be used in the mechanized separation of cloves and in the future during planting. The planned model of the variety should be: a bulb of at least 45 g, cloves 4.5 g, the number of cloves 11–13 pcs. Methods. 18 varietal samples were evaluated: 9 – Research and production company “Agrosemtoms” LLC, 9 samples – collection nursery of the Federal Research Center of the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources – VIR. As a result of the study, 6 promising varieties were identified. Results. The highest yield was obtained from varietal No. 129, it was 1.64 kg/m2, which is 0.69 kg/m2 higher than the control – varieties of spring garlic Sovet (LSD05 = 0.2). The weight of the bulb was 58 g, which is 18 g higher than the control. Varietals No. 148 and 129 have the largest number of cloves – 14 and 13 pcs., respectively. In the same samples, the largest tooth mass was revealed: 4 and 4.4 g, respectively. According to biochemical analysis, there were no differences between the varieties, however, in terms of the number of sugars, it is worth noting the Coun Sovet cil variety with a content of 6.38 %. Scientific novelty. For the first time, samples of spring garlic (AST-129, AST-146, AST-148) were isolated, which form an arrow and form viable air bulbs. The formation of air bulbs in spring garlic promotes healing and accelerates the process of reproduction of the variety. Spring garlic has a radial direction of the teeth and this contributes to obtaining a large number of full-fledged teeth, which allows to increase the reproduction coefficient. The results obtained, according to the assessment of the initial collection varieties, are of great practical importance and can be used in production and breeding work.

spring garlic, selection, variety type, collection nursery, yield, biometric indicators, morphological features
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