Abstract. The aim of the work was to study the effect of the growth regulator “Epin-Ekstra” on the yield and quality indicators of potato tubers Nevskiy variety by the results of field experiments. Methods. The studies on the set objectives were carried out of the conditions in the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on the experimental section of the North Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Agriculture – branch of the Federal Center “Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” on according to generally accepted methods during 2019–2021. The soil of the experimental plot is leached, heavy loam, medium thickness, underlain by pebbles. Results. The results of the study of the yield of potato Nevskiy variety testify to the positive impact of the growth regulator “Epin-Ekstra” in the conditions of the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Pretreatment of tubers with the growth regulator “Epin-Ekstra” (10 ml/t) and treatment of crops by spraying in the phase of budding growth regulator “Epin-Ekstra” (60 ml/ha) contributed to the formation of the highest yield – 29.6 t/ha, 88,0 % marketability, which is 10,3 t/ha more than control, 4.8 t/ha more than in variant II and 6.1 t/ha – variant III. The best qualitative indicators of potato tubers were observed at complex processing: the content of dry matter – 22.2 %, starch – 12.9 %, vitamin C – 10.4 mg%. The lowest nitrate content of 89 mg/kg in tubers of Nevskiy potato variety was observed in the pre-budding treatment of tubers and the treatment of crops in the phase of budding with the growth regulator “Epin-Ekstra”. Calculations of economic efficiency show that the costs are recouped in all variants of the experience. The highest level of profitability 290,8 %. Cancelled at the complex treatment, which is 110,2 % more than the control variant. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania the effect of the growth regulator “Epin-Ekstra” on the yield and quality of tubers of Nevskiy potato variety was studied. Practical significance. The conducted studies allow us to recommend the use of an effective growth stimulant “Epin-Ekstra” in potato preplanting treatment at a dose of 10 ml/t and when spraying the leaves of plants at a dose of 60 ml/ha in the phase of budding, as environmentally safe and low-cost agricultural practices that ensure increased productivity and quality of potato tubers of the conditions in the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania.
potato, variety Nevskiy, growth regulator, “Epin-Ekstra”, yield, quality of tubers, dry matter, starch, ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
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