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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to establish the features of the formation of soybean grain harvest in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Methods. Analysis of statistical information on soybean cultivation and agro-climatic resources in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, field experience and field observations. The heat supply of soybeans was estimated by the sum of active temperatures, moisture availability – by the amount of precipitation, relative humidity and hydrothermal coefficient (GTK) during the soybean vegetation period (June-August). The sum of active temperatures, the amount of precipitation and the hydrothermal coefficient in the years of the study were calculated using statistical data from the Federal State Statistics Service. The variability of the features was estimated by the coefficient of variation. The nature and degree of interconnection of the features was determined by correlation-regression analysis using the Excel computer program. Results. The features of the process of formation of soybean yield in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan have been established. Morphometric indicators of soybean plants SIBNIIK 315 on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan have a smaller value than the passport parameters of this variety. The main limiting growth and development of plants, soybean yield in the Republic of Bashkortostan are moisture (correlation coefficient 0.866) and heat (correlation coefficient 0.592). The fertility of the soil in most of the territory of the republic is high enough for the growth and development of plants and does not limit the formation of the soybean crop. It is established that the dependence of soybean yield on the amount of precipitation, the sum of active temperatures and SCC has the form of a single-vertex curve. On the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan in heat-supplying years, it is possible to compensate for the lack of moisture for the formation of a soybean crop by watering crops. Irrigation allowed the formation of soybean yields in field experiments by 5–6.4 c/ha more than on bogar. Scientific novelty. The features of the formation of the soybean crop are revealed and the degree and nature of the dependence of the soybean grain yield on the amount of precipitation and the amount of active temperatures in the period “June – August” are established.

soybeans, plant growth and development, yield, agroclimatic resources
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