Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is cultivated multipurpose specie of short domestication history. This specie is a historic ancient crop and development of a genebank with changed mutant genes began in the XX century only. Actuality is in mobilization and comprehensive study of the modern narrow-leafed lupin genebank under changed environmental conditions. The tests aimed to study the narrow-leafed lupin collections and breeding varieties and lines for productivity elements and morpho-biological characters and use of selected ones as parental forms in hybridization for development of new initial material and for the future breeding to create new varieties. The study object is a working collection of the narrow-leafed lupin which is represented by varieties and breeding lines of own breeding or got within the frame of exchange with other research institutions of Russia, near and far abroad ones and from the Federal Research Center N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR). The collection was tested in the South-West zone of the Central region (Bryansk) in 2018–2021. The results. Percentage of saved plants to the yield of many breeding lines varies within the range 70-90%. The average survival of the forage Belorussian varieties Mirtan and Vanyusha, the Australian breeding line Walan-2248 and of the African sidereal variety Azuro during the research years was lower than this limit. The high infectious loading of our fields has negative effect on the narrow-leafed lupin gene pool because of its strong saturation in crop rotation. The grain productivity of the standard variety Vityaz’ made 4.7 g. The increase of the varieties Bryanskiy kormovoy, Uzkolistnyy 53 and USN 53-236 made 1.5–1.8 g. The Gibrid 1215 stood out in height (69.9 cm); its increase made 19.9 cm compared to the standard variety. The varieties Belorozovyy 144, Guslyar and SN 78-07 stood out for the initial growth tempo (7.0-8.5 point); Bryanskiy siderat stood out among alkaloid varieties.

narrow-leafed lupin, genebank, variety, breeding line, productivity
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