Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Poultry farming makes a significant contribution to the country's economy, to the stability of the food market and ensures food security. The increase in the rate of poultry production directly depends on the feeding and maintenance of poultry. Various domestic manufacturers offer a large number of different feed additives with improved feed conversion. At the same time, some additives provoke an exacerbation of reactions to stress factors and a decrease in immunity in poultry. Therefore, one of the main tasks in the development of poultry farming is the use of feed additives with the least negative impact on the body, increasing the safety of livestock and ensuring maximum productivity. One of these is a feed additive based on humic acids. The scientific novelty lies in obtaining new data on micromorphometric indicators and microbiocenosis of the intestines of broilers when using the Reasil® Humic Health feed additive. The aim of the work was to determine the effect of a feed additive based on humic acids on micromorphometric parameters and microbiome of the digestive canal organs. Materials and methods. The production experience was carried out at the poultry farm of “Vremya-91”. According to the principle of analogues, 2 groups were formed: a control and an experienced one of Cobb 500 cross broilers with 18,000 heads each. Results. The analysis of the results showed that in the broilers of the experimental group, in comparison with the intact one, there was an increase in the thickness of the mucous membrane and submucosal base in the glandular stomach by 319 and 378 microns, and in the muscular one - the mucous and muscular membranes by 844 and 481 microns, respectively. In the small intestine, an increase in the size of villi by 702 microns and their number was observed. The thickness of the mucous membrane in the colon was greater by 733 microns. When using a feed additive, the amount of conditionally pathogenic microflora did not exceed the norm, while the number of lactobacilli increased by 103 CFU/g.

feed additive, humic acids, broiler chickens, digestive canal, micromorphometry, microbiome
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