Abstract. The purpose of the study is to try to form a theoretical and methodological basis (foundation) for the digital transformation of agriculture in Russia. In this study, the initial part of the work on the formulation of the conceptual framework of digital transformation is carried out. The article is theoretical in nature. The methodological basis of the study was the process and system approaches. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical and methodological justification of the digital transformation of agriculture in Russia. Results. It is revealed that the abrupt and spontaneous nature of the policy of digital transformation of the industry carried out in Russia, due to the introduction of certain digital technologies (mainly with the shortest payback period), is a key problem of the low level of digitalization of agricultural production in the country. To solve this problem, a comprehensive and systematic approach is proposed, implying coverage of all stages of digital transformation: from specification (setting goals and objectives of digital transformation) to decision-making based on digital data and changes in business processes within a single digital ecosystem. Based on this approach, a theoretical and methodological foundation for digital transformation in agriculture should be developed, on which all regulatory, strategic and forecast documents developed in the field of digital transformation will be based. It is shown that the theoretical and methodological foundation includes such elements as basic concepts, stages, principles, indicators and evaluation methodology. The last element is extremely important for the gradual development of digital transformation, since it should be used to assess the level of implementation of each stage. Complete completion of the previous stage will allow you to move on to the next one.
digitization, digitalization, digital transformation, agriculture, integrated assessment, digital ecosystem
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