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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The development of the agro-industrial complex of the region in the conditions of the digital economy is impossible without a comprehensive assessment of the agro-industrial potential, on the basis of which reasonable management decisions will be made. The purpose is to identify the specifics of the agro-industrial potential of the region, and develop a system of indicators for its assessment in the context of the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex. The solution of this issue is based on the use of modern tools of economic and mathematical modeling. The work also uses such research methods as generalization and synthesis, system analysis, modeling and optimization. Scientific novelty. A generalized method for assessing the agro-industrial potential in the direction of its digital transformation and an algorithm for determining the criterion for the economic growth of an agro-industrial complex subject when managing the development of its digital potential are proposed. Results. The main aspects of the analysis of the digital potential of the subject of the agro-industrial complex are identified, among which the key role of the resource potential, which differs in directions and purposes of use, is highlighted, which must be taken into account when developing management decisions. A model of the resource platform of the agro-industrial complex of the region, based on modern information and communication technologies, is proposed, the implementation of which will ensure effective management of the resource potential. A step-by-step scheme for analyzing the digital potential of an agro-industrial complex subject is presented, which makes it possible to identify its capabilities and performance indicators that reflect the level of development of the agro-industrial complex of the region. The necessity of increasing the information support of the management activity of a business entity in three areas is substantiated: improvement of resource management processes, optimization of their quality and volume, business process management. To determine the criterion for economic growth of individual subjects of the agro-industrial complex of the region, an algorithm is proposed that makes it possible to identify the sources and rates of such growth. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of a system of indicators that allow assessing the agro-industrial potential of the region in the direction of its digital transformation, on the basis of which the efforts of the state and investors will be directed to the implementation of measures to support and regulate the processes of digitalization of the industry.

agro-industrial potential of the region, digital transformation, digital potential, resources, indicators
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