Abstract. The article presents the results of a study to determine the technological quality of flax in 553 batches of 35 varieties of flax during primary processing in production conditions. The purpose of the study is to analyze the varieties of flax by yield and fiber quality when processing flax of various quality to develop proposals for choosing the optimal use for its intended purpose in the interests of the consumer. Methods. The object of the study was flax and its processed products – long and short fiber. The signs of the technological quality of the flax were determined according to the current standards. Results. When comparing the normalized and actual values of the signs of technological quality of flax, it was found that, on average, for all the varieties presented, the planned indicators are met by the output of short fiber (by 110.0–163.2 %) and the output of the entire fiber (by 102.1–118.3 %), depending on the quality of flax. The most significant non–compliance with the norms is observed in the yield of long fiber by 70.0–93.6%. From flax of such varieties as Tverskoy, Vasilek, Lider, A 93, Grant, Agata, Veralin, it is possible to obtain long and short fibers that meet the requirements of norms in all parameters. It is noted that the best ratio of complex indicators – percentage numbers of long and short fibers, which determine the efficiency of flax processing enterprises, are characterized by the varieties of flax-long-grain Grant (60.9 : 39.1). Leader (66.3 : 33.7), Tverskoy (65.9 : 34.1), Surskiy (73.8 : 26.2), Tsezar’ (66.0 : 34.0), Diplomat (59.6 : 40.4), Vasilek (66.9 : 33.1). Scientific novelty. Monitoring of flax varieties by the yield and quality of fiber from flax during primary processing makes it possible to justify the choice of the most rational use of the stem material of a particular variety according to one of the existing technologies aimed at obtaining long and short fibers or at producing the same type.
variety, umber, quality, flax fiber, long fiber, short fiber, norm, percentage number, processing
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