Russian Federation
Abstract. The authors presented the results of scientific developments and a new device for improving and restoring mountain pasture areas by sowing grass seeds on depleted and thinned grass. The absence of small-sized maneuverable units capable of sowing grass seeds on sparse grass in the mountains was revealed. The purpose of the study is to develop and manufacture a laboratory sample of a block module based on a mini-tractor “Fenshow-180”, for surface sowing of grass seeds. The object of the study is agrotechnical techniques and an aggregate for the introduction of grass seeds, providing accelerated restoration of mountain pasture areas, increasing the yield of perennial grasses and soil resistance to water and wind erosion. The objectives of the research included the substantiation of the technology, the assessment of the effect of sowing grass seeds on the change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the herbage, the possibility of improving plant nutrition and water-air regime, enriching the fodder herbage by sowing valuable types of herbs. Methodology and methods. The tests were carried out in the mountainous zone of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, in areas located at an altitude of 1540 meters above sea level. The planting of herbs was carried out on a rarefied section of the northern slope with a steepness of 160 in the area Sugsadtanrag. A technical examination of the unit was carried out according to the agrotechnical requirements and the terms of reference. The surface application of grass seeds was carried out according to the application standards. Results. It was found that the laboratory sample of the unit meets the agrotechnical requirements and technical specifications, the herbage yield increased in various areas from 90–170 %, the botanical composition of the herbage changed, which affected the quality of feed, provided an increase in the nutritional value of meadow grasses from 0.7 to 2.8–3.5 thousand fodder units/ha, with a content of 120–145 g digestible protein per 1 feed unit of dry mass of feed. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using the developed block module in mountain meadows and pastures with a slope of up to 16°. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a technology has been developed and a small-sized seeder based on a mini-tractor for the restoration of mountain pastures has been manufactured.
aggregate, mountains, slopes, mini-tractor, grass mixtures, meadows, pastures
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