Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose is to study the effectiveness of the “Lignogumat” drug on the growth, development and decorative qualities of some flower and ornamental crops (Campanula persicifolia L., C. carpatica Jacg., Phlox paniculata L.) in the forest-steppe zone of the Bashkir Cis-Ural. Methods. Observations of the seasonal rhythm of plant development were carried out according to the method of phenological observations in botanical gardens, the assessment of ornamental features was carried out according to the generally accepted method of state variety testing of ornamental crops. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the Bashkir Cis-Ural, the influence of the growth stimulator “Lignogumat” on the decorative qualities of some types of flower crops of the collection of the SUBGI UFRC RAS was studied. Results. The features of phenology, growth, as well as the decorative qualities of plants during fertigation with a growth regulator are analyzed. When evaluating decorativeness on a 100-point scale in C. persicifolia, it was found that “Lignogumat” is effective for such decorative features as the number of leaves, the abundance of flowering and the density of the inflorescence; there is also a reduction in the duration of the period from regrowth to flowering by 5 days. In C. carpatica, such morphometric parameters as flower and inflorescence size, abundance and duration of flowering have improved; also, the drug helps to increase the area of the horizontal projection of the color spot on the bush by 2.6 times compared to the control. Ph. paniculata “Lignogumat” is effective for such decorative features as the size of the inflorescence, the abundance and duration of flowering, also during fertigation, the area of the horizontal projection of the color spot on the bush increased by 1.5 times, thereby increasing the decorative qualities of the phlox.

Campanula persicifolia L., C. carpatica Jacg., Phlox paniculata L, “Lignogumat”, decorative qualities, Bashkir Urals
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