Rubrics: BIOLOGY
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. In modern conditions, heavy metals (HM) are considered as the main soil pollutants. On the one hand, they are necessary for the normal course of physiological processes, and on the other hand, at elevated HM concentrations, they are toxic. In this regard, it is important to study the content of heavy metals in plant objects. The aim of our research was to study the accumulation and distribution of elements (As, Cd, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cu, Fe, Cr) in the aboveground and underground parts of ornamental herbaceous perennials of the genus Iris L., Paeonia L., Narcissus L. The objects of research were aboveground and underground organs of four species of the genus Iris L., eight varieties of the genus Narcissus, and seven taxa of the genus Paeonia. Methods. The study of the elemental composition of the aboveground and underground parts was carried out according to the method No. M-02-1009-05 of atomic spectroscopy. Mathematical data processing was carried out using the generally accepted methods of variation statistics using the AgCStat software package as an Excel add-in. Scientific novelty. For the first time, representatives of three different generic complexes were taken for the study. Results. Studies have shown that in the aerial part of most of the taxa studied, As accumulates in concentrations exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations. An excessive amount of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb was noted in the aboveground part of some representatives of irises and peonies. The content of Cd, Fe, and Mn in all studied taxa is within acceptable limits. It was revealed that the indicators of the content of most elements are characterized by great variability, which is confirmed by the results of other researchers. It was noted that in irises in larger quantities than in other taxa, As, Cr, Mn, Ni accumulate in the aboveground part, and Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni in the underground part, therefore, they can be recommended for use in landscaping urban areas.

Iris, Narcissus, Paeonia, heavy metals, accumulation
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