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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study is a comparative characteristic of the yield of peas in the production and state variety testing of the Tyumen region, as well as a comprehensive assessment of pea varieties by yield and adaptability parameters in the conditions of a subtaiga of the region. Methods. The studies were carried out on the basis of statistical data of the pea yield in the production and state variety testing of the Tyumen region for 2017–2021, as well as data on the results of state variety testing of the varieties admitted to use for 2019–2021 under the conditions of a subtaiga (Nizhne-Tavdinskiy and Aromashevskiy STP). Coefficient of index of environmental conditions (Ij), stress tolerance (Y2 – Y1), yield variability (v, %), plasticity (bi), stability (Si2) and general adaptive ability (GAA) were calculated. Results. The variety Bagu (30.5 and 33.0 c/ha, respectively) was the best in terms of average yield and average yield in contrast conditions, and in terms of realizing the yield potential the variety Kumir was the best (74.7 %). Stress tolerance is low in all varieties, from –19.7 (Yamal) to –27.3 (Tomas), and yield variability is significant, from 30.5 % (Bagu) to 42.7 % (Agrointel). Strong responsiveness to changes in conditions was noted in the variety Salamanca (bi = 1.13), which makes it possible to attribute it to intensive. The varieties Yamal (Si2 = 3.30) and Salamanka (Si2 = 4.36) were the best stability. The varieties Bagu (GAA = 3.3) and Salamanka (GAA = 2.5) were the largest general adaptive ability. The varieties Bagu (sum of ranks 19), Salamanca (sum of ranks 24), Yamal (sum of ranks 31) and Thomas (sum of ranks 33) were recognized as the best by the sum of the ranks of the parameters of yield and adaptability. Scientific novelty. The yield and adaptive potential of admitted to use of pea varieties was revealed based on the results of their testing in 6 environments using a number of methodological approaches. Practical significance. The ranking of varieties according to the parameters of yield and adaptability made it possible to identify the best varieties according to the complex of signs and properties in the conditions of the subtaiga of the Tyumen region.

peas, yield, variety, stress tolerance, yield variability, responsiveness, stability, general adaptive ability, rank of variety
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