Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Annotation. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the development of personal subsidiary plots of the population of the Tyumen region. Objectives: 1) to determine the dynamics of agricultural production by household households of the population for the period 2016–2021; 2) to consider changes in the structure of management of private household plots in the region. To achieve the goal, data collected from various open sources of state authorities, the Federal State Statistics Service, as well as reference and regulatory materials were used. The research methods were the methods of questioning, interviewing, comparison, analysis of socio-economic processes, content analysis and the statistical method. The scientific novelty lies in the systematization and classification of disparate information on the functioning of regional private household plots, which made it possible to identify the main trends: an increase in agricultural production by private subsidiary plots of the population, changes in the structure of household plots, an increase in the number of families involved in private plots. The results consist in supplementing the established terminology with new essential features. The article contains an analysis of the indicators of agricultural production of household plots in the Tyumen region. The place of private farms in the production of agricultural products is determined, the specialization of production is reflected. Based on the data of the author's survey, the article states that household plots are an economically profitable occupation, as they provide families with food, act as a source of income and employment. In addition, it was concluded that family farms are focused on the closed type of household plots, but aimed at interacting with agricultural consumer cooperatives. It was determined that there is a lack of awareness among villagers about the measures of state support for household plots. This circumstance indicates the need not only for state support, but also for further cooperation and integration of private household plots into the territorial economic system, including through education and training of family farm owners.
personal backyard farms, animal husbandry, crop production, types of household plots, state support for household plots, agricultural cooperatives
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