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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The expansion of the northern zone of corn-sowing in the Russian Federation, the increase in demand for corn hybrids capable of maturing in zones with a short frost-free period, forming a high yield of grain and green mass, adapted to various soil and climatic zones, requires intensification of breeding work for early maturity. The purpose of the research is the creation of a new early-ripening corn hybrid of universal use, characterized by adaptability to various soil and climatic conditions. The research was carried out at the Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” and research institutions in Russia in 2018–2021. Methods. The main method of creating hybrids is the method of interline hybridization using heterosis in the first generation. Topcross crosses were used to obtain hybrid combinations. Object of the study are early ripe corn hybrids. A new early-ripening corn hybrid Vityaz’ MV of universal use was created jointly by the ARC “Donskoy” and the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the National Grain Center named after. P. P. Lukyanenko. It is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements and approved for use in the production of the North Caucasian, Central, Central Black Earth and Middle Volga regions for grain and silage. According to the research results, the new hybrid is distinguished by high grain yield and plasticity. In the environmental test of research institutions in Russia, located in different soil and climatic conditions, the grain yield was 5.03–10.30 t/ha. In the ARC “Donskoy”, the average grain yield, including dry years, was 4.31 t/ha, which is significantly (by 0.36 t/ha) higher than that of the Krasnodarskiy 194 MV standard. The yield of green mass – 28.2 t/ha, dry matter – 9.41 t/ha. The new hybrid is drought-resistant, resistant to lodging and bunt smut, and is characterized by low harvest grain moisture content (14.0 %). The scientific novelty should be considered the creation of a new early-ripening corn hybrid Vityaz’ MV of universal use, adapted to various soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation.

hybrid, self-pollinated line, early ripeness, grain harvest moisture, yield, ecological test
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