Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The aim is to evaluate hybrid apple seedlings according to the main economic and biological characteristics in the conditions of the Orenburg region. Methods. The studies were carried out from 2002 to 2022 in the Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture. The objects of research were 10 hybrid families of apple trees selected by the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture. The main observations and records on the main economic and biological characteristics were carried out according to the methodology “Program and methodology for the selection of fruit, berry and nut crops”, “Program and methodology for the study of variety of fruit, berry and nut crops”, statistical processing of experimental data was carried out by the method of two-factor analysis of variance, where A is the variety, B is the year. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that as a result of the conducted research, promising hybrid forms with a complex of economically valuable traits, with a high potential for productivity and large-fruiting in the conditions of the Orenburg region have been identified. Results. The genetic collection of the Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture serves as a fundamental basis for breeding work, which makes it possible to intensify the creation of adaptive, highly productive apple varieties. It has been established that the majority of hybrid apple seedlings have high winter hardiness. Weak freezing (0.2–0.5 points) characterizes hybrids of crossbreeding combinations, such as BratChud × Simvol, Kovrovoe × Anis Sverdlovskiy. Phytosanitary monitoring carried out on the site of hybrid apple seedlings showed that over the years of the study, weather conditions did not allow the development of diseases in the apple tree. On average, fruits in the offspring were 1-1, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10 (140.0 ... 150.0 g). The greatest productivity was formed by hybrids of combinations of crossing BratChud × Simvol (24.6 kg/tree), Orskoe × Prizemlennoe (24.0 kg/tree) and Arkaim × Podarok Orenburzh’yu (24.2 kg/tree).

apple tree, hybrid seedlings, natural dwarfs, winter hardiness, fruit weight, productivity
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