Abstract. The purpose is to assess the impact of the intensity of agricultural land use on the level of their economic efficiency. Methodology and methods. In the course of the study, nonparametric statistical methods were used to identify dependencies in the data set. When constructing predictive models, ROC analysis was used to find the values of the cut off point. Results. The study made it possible to localize three groups of regions of the Russian Federation that differ quite significantly in terms of the intensity of land use and are characterized by a sufficiently high level of dispersion within the groups. The analysis of the interrelations between the parameters characterizing the intensity level allowed us to identify factors that influence economic efficiency: the degree of ploughing of agricultural land, the share of reclaimed land in the area of farmland and the degree of use of arable land, the latter of which has the most significant influence. The ROC analysis regarding the degree of use of arable land as a potential predictive parameter for increasing land yield showed that its threshold value at the cut off point is 63.8 %, above which the maximum values of economic efficiency are achievable. The scientific novelty lies in the formation of the evidence base of the dependence of economic efficiency on the level of intensity of land use, necessary for understanding the mechanisms of formation of rational parameters of land use.
agriculture, land resources, region, regional features, intensity, efficiency, land allocation, management mechanism, land policy
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