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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Rural territories of the country have always played a primary role in the formation and maintenance of a high image of the state in the international arena, since it is rural territories that lay the food security of the country as a whole, which turns into national security. The purpose of the study is to determine the directions of migration flows and their scale. Research methods are analysis and synthesis of statistical and analytical materials of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation, materials of scientific conferences and periodicals. This article discusses the development of such a direction of alternative employment as social entrepreneurship, based on the realization of people's social needs. It is proposed to develop alternative types of employment in rural areas as one of the ways to reduce unemployment and retain local residents in rural areas. Results. The study found that migration processes cover a significant part of the rural population in the regions of the country every year. Over the past twenty years, it has decreased by 3%. People are rapidly moving to the city. In 2021, the leader in the number of retired residents from rural areas is the Volga Federal District – 80,520 people, the 2nd place belongs to the Central Federal District – 53,497 people and the 3rd place is occupied by the Siberian Federal District – 52,439 people. The main factor that can restrain such changes is the activation in the development of alternative employment of the population. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of statistical data and research, promising areas of sustainable development of rural areas have been identified. The development of various types of alternative employment will help not only to maintain the population of rural residents, but also to launch the mechanism of reverse migration from the city to the village – ruralization.

migration, unemployment, rural territories, alternative employment, social entrepreneurship
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