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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article studies the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) market in agriculture in the regions of the Russian Federation in the new realities. The purpose is to analyse the development of the agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle market in the Russian Federation and to identify the immediate prospects for its development in the new reality. Objectives: to study the external and internal environmental factors influencing the development of the agricultural UAV market; to identify the stages of development of the agricultural UAV market in the Russian Federation; to identify the key characteristics of the agricultural UAV market in order to determine the prospects for further development of the agricultural UAV market in the Russian Federation. Methods: systematisation, integration and analytical processing of data, method of expert evaluation, factor analysis. Scientific novelty. On the basis of the generalization of theoretical provisions and the development of methodological tools, the author proposed an approach to assessing the state of the agricultural UAV market in the Russian Federation and identifying the prospects for its development. Results. Based on the analysis of external and internal environment factors, a diagnosis of the stage of development of the Russian market (industry) in the context of the key criteria of periodization was made, the stages of development of the agricultural UAV market in the Russian Federation were determined. The identified asymmetry in the stage of market development determines most of the market characteristics that distinguish it from the global market and represent a vivid example of oligopoly. Against the background of changes in the external environment, it is concluded that the agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle market in the near future in its development will strive to overcome the stage imbalance and acquire more balanced proportions.

market, unmanned aerial vehicles, agriculture, development, technologisation, digital technology, precision farming, region, external and internal factors, PEST analysis
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