Orenburg, Orenburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The article provides data on the reserves of productive moisture, the content of nitrate nitrogen, and the yield of spring wheat varieties when grown under different backgrounds of basic tillage. The purpose of the research is to study the response of spring soft and durum wheat varieties to the methods of basic tillage. Methods. The object of research is 3 varieties of spring soft wheat and 2 varieties of spring durum wheat. The experiments were carried out in the central zone of the Orenburg region. For 5 years, two options for basic soil cultivation were studied: plowing to a depth of 23–25 cm and moldless loosening to a depth of 25–27 cm. Scientific novelty. The reaction of spring wheat varieties to the methods of basic tillage, taking into account the reserves of productive moisture and the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil, in the arid conditions of the Orenburg Cis-Urals was revealed. Results. The reserves of productive moisture during the sprouting phase of spring wheat in a meter layer of soil were satisfactory (less than 130 mm) for four years out of five years of research, and good for one year (150-153 mm). The advantage of non-moldboard tillage was noted in all years of research with the exception of 2019, when the mouldboard background contained 18 mm more soil moisture. Depending on weather conditions, the amount of nitrate nitrogen in the soil varied from very low values in 2022 to high and very high values in 2017 and 2019–2020. The yield of spring wheat, on average according to experience, was 0.6 c per 1 ha higher against the background of moldless loosening. The varietal response to basic soil tillage methods has been established. The Uchitel’ variety did not respond to processing techniques. For other varieties, the difference in favor of non-moldboard tillage ranged from 0.4 centners per 1 hectare for the Tulaykovskaya zolotistaya variety, to 0.7–0.8 centners per 1 hectare for the varieties Ul’yanovskaya 105, Orenburgskaya 10, Bezenchukskaya 210.
tillage methods, spring wheat, variety, plowing, moldboard loosening, productivity, productive moisture, nitrate nitrogen
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