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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The management of a significant part of agricultural, processing and marketing organizations of the agro-industrial complex no longer doubts the need for technical and technological transformation of the agribusiness model in the direction of digitalization and system integration as the main determinants of increasing the efficiency of their activities. At the same time, the analysis showed that today active processes of information technology implementation are recorded in all spheres of production and economic activity, however, the agro-industrial complex is still in the rearguard of the noted trends, which forms a vast field of activity for the implementation of digital projects and requires the preparation of a set of effective measures to increase the level of digitalization. The purpose of the work was to develop a platform mechanism for integrating resource subsystems of regional agricultural enterprises through digital transformation. The proposed approach is consistent with GOST R ISO 19439-2008 “Enterprise integration. The basis of enterprise modeling”. The following research methods were used: statistical-economic, monographic, abstract-logical, computational-constructive. Research results. The conducted analysis showed that today active processes of introduction of information technologies are recorded in all spheres of production and economic activity, but agriculture is in the rear of the noted trends. As a result, there is a wide range of activities for digital projects. To this end, the authors have developed a set of effective measures to increase the level of digitalization of agro-industrial complex. Scientific novelty. The paper proposes a platform mechanism of system integration, involving the application of a theoretical and methodological basis and differentiation of the initial, mesomorphic, terminal stages of the transformation process, enabling the transit from the integration of IT devices and software across the organization based on a Single enterprise resource management system through integration with the information and communication systems of other participating enterprises on the basis of a platform product through the creation of an integrated Production chain management System to the unification of all subjects of the agricultural sector within a Single Digital System Integration Platform. The implementation of the developed mechanism implies the availability of arrays of operational and reliable industry data, as well as the formation of effective algorithms for their analysis, which provides the possibility of global planning and providing recommendations to market participants, including on the basis of artificial intelligence technologies. In addition, the Unified Digital Platform for System Integration will become a platform for receiving state support funds and reporting on it in electronic form, which will significantly reduce waiting times.

agro-industrial complex, digitalization, system integration, resource subsystem, agricultural enterprise, processing enterprise, marketing enterprise, digital platform
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