Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need for an assessment of the technical and technological component of agriculture, as well as the development of methodological approaches to its implementation. Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, such methods of scientific cognition as monographic, abstract-logical, institutional, analysis and synthesis, generalization of data were used. The information and theoretical and methodological base was made up of normative legal acts and strategic programs for the development of the industry, the works of domestic and foreign scientists and economists. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research consists in substantiating the need to assess the technical and technological component of the agricultural sector of the country as a basis for the development of state projects and programs for the modernization of the industry in the transition to a new technological order. Methodological approaches are proposed for assessing the level of technical and technological development of the industry at three levels: federal, regional and the level of an economic entity. Results. The article substantiates the need to assess the technical and technological components of agriculture. The current state of the agricultural machinery industry, the main results of its work in recent years are analyzed. In order to identify problem areas and potential growth points of domestic agricultural machinery, its SWOT analysis has been compiled. It is noted that the modern Russian agricultural sector has a high dependence on imported machinery and equipment. To ensure the ability of the domestic agricultural machinery industry to replace imported supplies of machinery in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to expand and improve state support. In order to work out the most effective working directions and tools of state support in a particular region, a reliable assessment of the level of technical and technological development of the agricultural sector is necessary.

agro-industrial complex, technical and technological component, assessment, state support, agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery market, SWOT analysis
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