Russian Federation
Abstract. Currently, the need for the formation of a digital economy and society is recognized at all levels of government, and digital technologies are considered as one of the key drivers of sustainable economic development. In accordance with the departmental project “Digital Agriculture”, the urgent task of the development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) is a strategic breakthrough through the introduction of digital technologies that can significantly increase the effectiveness of most production processes. The purpose of the article: the development of methodology and the development of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation and functioning of the regional digital platform of the agro-industrial complex. Research methods: scientific and theoretical generalization of existing approaches and methods for assessing key parameters of digitalization processes in the agro-industrial sector. The statistical data for Russia and the Novgorod Region for 2022, as well as the planned and reporting indicators of the priority regional project “Digital Agriculture” used in the author's methodology based on the conceptual triad of economic efficiency assessment, serve as an information source of the study. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the formation of an original approach to the development of tools and methods for the comprehensive assessment of digital transformations in the agro-industrial complex, which allow identifying directions for the growth of economic and managerial efficiency of the functioning of agricultural industries in a new digital formation. Research results. The author’s scheme of the regional digital platform of the agro-industrial complex is presented on the example of the Novgorod region, the methodology for assessing the allocation benefits from the consistent involvement of all subjects of the agro-industrial complex in a single digital space is developed, taking into account the specifics of their activities and readiness for digital transformation. A methodology has been developed for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation and functioning of the regional digital platform, which allows timely identification of “weak links” in individual modules and elements of the digital platform of the agro-industrial complex and promptly eliminate them, which can be especially useful for making strategically correct management decisions.
digitalization, digital platform, regional agro-industrial complex, economic efficiency, efficiency, managerial efficiency
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