Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose is to analyze changes in tax legislation adopted at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic sanctions of 2022 and to assess their impact on such economic indicators of agricultural enterprises as revenue, tax payments to the budget. Methods. Based on open data from Rosstat, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, statistical material has been collected and dynamic series for the period 2019–2022 have been compiled according to parameters characterizing the economic activity of agricultural enterprises. The changes in legislation in the taxation system adopted as short-term and long-term anti-crisis measures, economic support for business in the conditions of economic recovery after the pandemic and unprecedented sanctions imposed since 2022 have been studied and analyzed. The analysis of changes in the volume of production of established and discontinued agricultural enterprises and the dynamics of receipt of payments to the budget by type of budgets is carried out. Absolute and relative indicators characterizing the trend of changes over the analyzed period are calculated. Results. Based on the conducted research, conclusions are presented on the extent of the impact of changes made to the tax legislation on the work of agricultural enterprises. An assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken to support enterprises to ensure tax revenues to the budget is given. Scientific novelty. In this study, for the first time, the relationship between changes in tax legislation and the amount of tax receipts in the conditions of economic sanctions and the weakening of the domestic market for agricultural producers is studied. Conclusions are formulated that allow to assess to some extent the quality of changes in the field of tax legislation, which are selected as priorities for reducing crisis phenomena for the period 2019–2022.
taxes, changes, legislation, economy, sanctions, dynamics, structure, revenue, efficiency, budget
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