Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to examine the patterns of sectoral development of rural territorial systems in conditions of modern economic uncertainty using the example of a number of regions of the Russian Federation. The results of the work of modern authors in the field of rural economics and agricultural production are summarized and interpreted, which made it possible to calculate forecasts for the development of agricultural sectors in the Volga Federal District and the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030. The scientific novelty lies in the assessment of the sectoral development of agro-industrial territorial systems, through the study of the dynamics of the main indicators of agricultural activity using trend analysis in a fairly short period of modern economic uncertainty, which is a significant step forward in this area of scientific research. To identify the dynamics and forecast the development of the main sectors of agricultural production, methods were used to graphically identify linear dependence and construct linear trends using homogeneous statistical indicators. The main results of the study are the developed measures for the stable sectoral development of rural areas of the Russian Federation in modern conditions and overcoming the existing regional differentiation. The implementation of measures involves the introduction of innovative solutions that provide an adaptive response to market trends and changes in the influence of external factors in the regional management of sectoral development of rural areas. Thus, the study provides a basis for understanding the components of sectoral development of rural areas and allows us to identify ways to constructively solve complex and multifaceted problems associated with the stabilization of agricultural production. The practical significance of the proposed solutions lies in their relevance in the activities of regional government authorities and relevant departments in the processes of improving the management of sectoral development of rural areas as part of the implementation of strategic documents for the spatial and sectoral development of the Russian Federation.
agricultural sectors, rural territorial systems, region, agricultural products, structure of the agricultural sector, economic forecasts, economic uncertainty, sustainable development
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