Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the domestic and export prices for grain in Russia, as well as the analysis of world prices among the top-7 leaders in terms of wheat supplies in the period from 2017 to 2021. The purpose of the study is to study the internal factors of the competitiveness of Russian grain on the world market and search for opportunities to increase the export potential of Russia as an element of the rehabilitation of domestic grain market and incentive to increase the volume of grain production. Methodology and methods. The author conducts a study of changes in export volumes in comparison with gross grain collections, analyzes the ratio of export prices for non-CIS countries and CIS countries in comparison with actual domestic prices, provides a comparison of prices among the largest grain-producing regions. Results. The article notes that price is an important factor in the competitiveness of Russian grain exports, ensuring its availability in countries with limited economic opportunities.. It is noted that in the period under study, domestic prices are growing elastically at the level of world prices, which limits the margin for grain exports from regions remote from ports, however, price increases create incentives for grain producers to increase grain yields, including through increased intensification. To further increase the export potential, the article recommends specifying the mechanisms of the grain damper in the direction of increasing targeted support for direct grain producers and creating conditions for reducing transaction costs as a way to ensure a competitive price of Russian grain on the world market. The scientific novelty it consists in the positioning of the price as a fundamental factor of the competitiveness of Russian grain on the world market, which forms a high export potential and allows it to be used as a tool for the rehabilitation of the domestic grain market, providing favorable price conditions and efficiency to grain-growing organizations and stimulating the increase in grain yields in the regions of Russia.

export of grain crops, sanitation of the grain market, competitiveness, state regulation, development of grain farming, efficiency
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