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Abstract (English):
Abstract. In a time when climate patterns change, governance structures evolve, and economic landscapes shift. Understanding the link between food security, renewable energy adoption, and democratic governance in Africa is crucial for achieving sustainable development and resilience on the continent. The purpose. This study investigates the intricate dynamics of food security, renewable energy transition, democratic governance, and economic policies across 51 African countries from 2000–2022. Methods. The study utilized panel regression analysis with fixed effects to examine the interplay between governance indicators, democracy, renewable energy integration, and food security outcomes across African regions. Results. The fixed effect regression analysis revealed significant associations between key variables and food security outcomes across different African regions. Higher CPIA scores were positively correlated with increased food security in Africa as a whole, indicating the impact of improved governance transparency. Representative democracy was also linked to enhanced food security, with particularly strong relationships observed in East Africa. Positive coefficients for ease of doing business suggested favourable impacts on food supply, albeit with regional variations. Additionally, renewable energy integration emerged as a crucial factor positively influencing food security, especially in Southern Africa. Moreover, the study underscores the importance of democratic governance and transparent economic policies in fostering food security initiatives. The scientific novelty. Embracing transparent governance, fostering renewable energy integration, and prioritizing inclusive democratic practices are pivotal steps toward fostering enduring food security solutions across Africa.

systems, food security, political system, regression analysis, management, business, energy sources
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