Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. One of the directions of modern agricultural production is the biologization of agriculture, which provides for a wider use of biological preparations and bacterial fertilizers. The use of bacterial fertilizers restores the fertility of the soil, contributes to increasing the yield and quality of agricultural products. The purpose of the study is to establish the effectiveness of the use of bacterial fertilizers in the cultivation of grain legumes. Methods. The research was carried out for three years, observations and records were carried out according to the generally accepted methodology of field experience. Results. The effectiveness of the application of top dressing with bacterial fertilizers “Azotovit” and “Fosfatovit” in the cultivation of grain legumes (soybeans, lentils) on light gray forest soils has been established. The use of “Fosfatovit” accelerated the ripening of soybeans for 4 days, lentils for 5 days, “Azotovit” influenced the formation of vegetative mass, increasing the number of leaves and the weight of the plant. An increase in the microbiological activity of the soil was noted when applying top dressing with bacterial fertilizers, the maximum value was obtained in variants with joint top dressing with “Azotovit” and “Fosfatovit”, in the experiment with soy, it averaged 72.1 %, in the experiment with lentils 81.5 %. The maximum increase in soybean yield was provided by fertilizing with “Fosfatovit” for an average of 3.97 t/ha over three years. Fertilizing with “Azotovit” and “Fosfatovit” had the greatest effect on lentils, in this variant the yield increased by 0.59 t/ha, or 32.4 % compared to the control. Top dressing with bacterial fertilizers contributed to an increase in crude protein and crude fat in soy and lentil grains. The scientific novelty of the research is to establish the effectiveness of the application of top dressing with bacterial fertilizers in the cultivation of soybeans and lentils in the conditions of the Chuvash Republic.

soy, lentils, bacterial fertilizers, top dressing, Azotovit, Fosfatovit, crop structure, yield
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