Abstract. The purpose is to establish a productive seed disinfectant for spring triticale varieties with a protective and stimulating effect. During field experiments methods were used that tested pesticides and determined the economic efficiency of using research results in agriculture. The relevance and national and economic significance of the development is determined by farmers’ demand in the extreme conditions of the Far East to increase the efficiency of treating triticale seeds, identifying protective agrochemicals against a complex of diseases that help to improve biological and economic indicators when cultivating triticale. The scientific novelty of research is associated with the establishment of effective agrochemicals to protect seedlings from pathogens of the genus Fusarium and reduce grain losses of spring triticale varieties in years of different meteorological conditions. Results. Biological effectiveness of agrochemicals against fungal diseases Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp. and B. sorokiniana was revealed in laboratory conditions. High biological effectiveness was reveled for “Maxim”, average – for “Kinto Duo” and low – for “Inshur Perform”. The greatest effect from treating seeds with agrochemicals was in Ukro variety, followed by Karmen and Yarilo. Significantly high effectiveness of agrochemicals “Maxim” and “Kinto Duo” against strains of fungi from the genus Fusarium in field conditions was revealed on seedlings of Ukro and Yarilo varieties. The prevalence of diseases in triticale seedlings depended by 24.1 % on year conditions, by 7.7 % on genotype and by 42.3 % on agrochemicals. Fungicidal seed disinfectants “Kinto Duo” and “Maxim” (2 l/t) confirmed the effect declared by the manufacturers and statistically significantly surpassed the seed disinfectant “Inshur Perform” (0.5 l/t) in biological effectiveness and positive effect on grain yield of triticale varieties. They contributed to obtain grain yields that significantly exceeded the control level by 0.3 and 0.33 t/ha. Their conditionally net income in comparison with the option without a fungicides reached +3298.8 and +2314.1 rubles/ha, respectively.
triticale, variety, seeds, diseases, treatment, fungicide, germination, survival, yield, efficiency
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