Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose is to study the features of morphofunctional changes in the gastric mucosa of fattening pigs in gastric ulcer disease and to establish a possible correlation between pathological changes and colonization of the gastric mucosa of H. suis. Methods. The study is based on pathoanatomic, microscopic, molecular genetic and histological research methods. Results. In 86 % of cases, significant pathomorphological changes in the gastric mucosa of pigs were detected during a pathoanatomical autopsy. Spiral-shaped microorganisms in smears were found in 28 %, H. suis DNA on the gastric mucosa – in 76 %. In the examined samples in which H. DNA was found. suis in the gastric mucosa, 76.3 % revealed various pathologies in the esophagus, 92% revealed various pathologies on the gastric mucosa. In 24 %, when H. suis DNA was not detected, 33.3 % showed no visible damage and 66.7 % revealed various pathologies. The results of the correlation between morphological changes in the gastric mucosa and its infection with helicobacter reached the limits of statistical reliability. Histological methods revealed that active chronic gastritis was detected in 48.0 %, inactive chronic gastritis was detected in 34.0 % and the norm (almost the norm) was found in 8.0 %. Chronic gastritis during exacerbation was reliably diagnosed in 55.2 % of cases when H. suis DNA was detected on the gastric mucosa. Chronic gastritis during remission was diagnosed in 34.2 % of cases when H. suis DNA was detected on the gastric mucosa. The results presented in the work reflect the undoubted connection between the presence of H. suis and the development of gastritis in pigs.

H. suis, pigs, gastric mucosa, gastric ulcer
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