Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The article presents the results of studying the yield and quality of green mass of four varieties of domestic sowing varieties: Racheyka, Zhemchuzhina, Mramornaya and Elena. The purpose of the study is to assess the phenotypic variability of chinese varieties in terms of the duration of the growing season, yield and quality of green mass, to select genotypes that are resistant to limiting environmental factors and capable of forming consistently high feed productivity in different agroclimatic conditions. Methods. Laboratory and field research was carried out in 2022–2023 on the educational and experimental field of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Omsk State Agrarian University” (Omsk) and on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Research and Design Technological Institute of Sorghum and Corn (Saratov). The conditions of the growing season are close to arid ones, HTC = 0.64…1.02. In the Omsk experimental plot, the soil is meadow-chernozem medium-thick (45 cm), low-humus (3.95 % humus), semi-loam (35 % physical clay), in Saratov – southern chernozem low-humus (3.80 % humus), medium-thick (42 cm), clayed loam (43 % physical clay). The predecessor is grain crops. When conducting research, we followed the same methodology – sowing in the first ten days of May, seeding rate – 700 thousand pieces grains per hectare, plot area – 5 m2, seed placement depth – 5 cm. Results. Growing conditions have a significant impact on the variability of the duration of the growing season – 65.8 % and the level of green mass yield – 54.2 %. The variation in the parameters of the biochemical composition is largely due to the genotype of the variety – 62.1 %. Evaluation of varieties according to adaptability indicators made it possible to distribute them into groups: 1 – extensive form with very low phenotypic stability (Mramornaya); 2 – form with high phenotypic stability (Zhemchuzhina); 3 – intensive form with reduced phenotypic stability (Elena); 4 – intensive phenotypically highly stable form (Racheyka). Scientific novelty. Varieties with high phenotypic stability of feed productivity, weakly responsive to fluctuations in climatic conditions and showing low rates of yield decline under unfavorable weather factors in various regions of the country were selected.
Lathyrus sativus L., rank, variety, growing season, productivity, nutritional value, ecological plasticity
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