Abstract. At the final stage of the breeding process, an urgent task is to identify the adaptive response of promising breeding material for making a decision on the targeting of state testing. The purpose of the study was to study the adaptive reaction of the selective breeding number of barley 3856h-6-18. Methods. The specified number was compared with the standard of Pamyati Chepeleva. In the conditions of 2023, the environmental variability of quantitative values was ensured by three sowing periods and four seeding rates. Statistical methods and mathematical models were used: analysis of variance, additive mathematical model, analysis of adaptive characteristics. Results. Based on the obtained variable values, additive mathematical models of the relationship between biological yield and its structural elements were constructed and statistically justified, and point forecasts of biological yield were made. The ki coefficient proved the accuracy of the forecasts, which varied in the range of 2.6...4.1 % and shows that the effective feature is predicted quite accurately. Further, the obtained results were differentiated into forecasts of biological yield depending on the effects of variable values of quantitative characteristics (Xri). The results became a source for calculating indicators of adaptive ability, environmental stability and breeding value, which are further shown in the dynamics, according to the periods of plant growth and development. The analysis of biological yield forecasts showed the advantage of number 3856h-6-18 in terms of breeding value (BVT2i = 1.70) during the formation of ear lake, which was ensured by the predominance of both general adaptive capacity (WIA2i = 0.34 t/ha) and environmental stability (Sg2i = 9.4 %). At the end of the growing season (formation, filling and maturation of grain), the advantage belongs to the promising number (BVT3i = 1.28), associated with environmental stability – Sg3i = 7.1 %. Scientific novelty. According to the prospective number 3856n-6-18 in a fixed range of yield variability (7.05…8.11 t/ha) revealed the dynamics of changes in adaptive characteristics in the process of plant growth and development.
barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), quantitative characteristics, yield, genotype, regression
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