Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Together with effective actions to ensure food security and the goals of sustainable development of the Agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to define strategic guidelines for the transformation of agro-food systems, based on the FAO concept of Safe food products always and for everyone. Mycotoxin (MT) contamination of food products is a global problem of our time, for the Russian Federation the most famous producers of MT are toxigenic molds of the genera Aspergillius, Penicillium, Fusarium and Alternaria. The most dangerous are aflatoxins produced by the common mold fungi Aspergillus flavus or A. Parasiticus, due to their prevalence and hepatotoxic and carcinogenic properties. The purpose of the study is to form an evidence base for the presence of toxigenic molds in the grain mass of wheat obtained in extreme weather conditions of the 2023 harvest to predict biosafety risks during processing. The paper presents evidence-based studies of the presence of toxigenic micromycetes and predicts the risks of accumulation of secondary metabolites. To form the evidence base, the following methods were used in the study: molecular modeling of bond types using the in silico docking analysis strategy; FTIR to study functional groups that determine the risks of the presence of secondary metabolites (MT). The scientific novelty of the data obtained is due to the use of new methods to identify the risks of violating the biosafety of grain masses in the context of global climate change. As a result of the application of in silico analysis methods in combination with visual microscopy; The identification of toxigenic molds was ensured by FTIR and the risks of the formation of masked forms in the carbohydrate-protein complex of the grain endosperm were predicted.

toxigenic molds, docking analysis, secondary metabolites, climate, biosafety
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