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Abstract (English):
Abstract. In the context of the implementation of food import substitution, ensuring the sustainable development of animal husbandry has become of great importance. Today, pig farming is one of the most dynamically developing areas, as a result of which a 100 % level of self-sufficiency in chilled pork was achieved by 2022. The regions of the Central Black Earth region make a significant contribution to the provision of pork and processed products to the population of the country. The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between financial stability and efficiency of pig industry enterprises. It is assumed that the deterioration of the economic situation in 2022 caused a decrease in the financial stability of pork producers, thereby contributing to the formation of a low level of profitability of their activities. Methodology and methods. Horizontal and vertical analysis methods, correlation and regression method were used as analysis tools. In the course of the study, the place of the CDR regions in the development of pig farming was determined, and the main parameters of production and economic activity were considered and the relationship between them was revealed using the example of the largest pork production enterprises of the economic district. Results. The analysis confirms the negative impact of the deterioration of the economic situation in 2022 on the development of pig farming in the regions of the Central Black Earth region: there is a decrease in liquidity, financial stability and efficiency of their activities in comparison with the level of 2019. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis, a stable relationship between the level of financial stability and the efficiency of the pig industry enterprises has been confirmed. The authors conclude that it is necessary to form an effective system of support for the meat market, which, on the one hand, will ensure a balance of supply and demand in the domestic market, thereby ensuring a cost-effective price level for producers, and on the other hand, to prevent unjustified price increases as part of the implementation of a social function in the conditions of a continuing decline in the standard of living of the population. The scientific novelty it analytical substantiation of the relationship between the level of financial stability and the efficiency of activities in the pig industry.

agri-food market, agriculture, animal husbandry, pig breeding, pork production, correlation relationship, financial stability
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