Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The problem of sustainable functioning of agricultural organizations under conditions of strict foreign economic restrictions (sanctions) is relevant, since these issues have not been sufficiently studied. The solution to this scientific problem is related to ensuring food security against the backdrop of limited access to modern technologies and equipment, restrictions on the export and import of agricultural products, and uncertainty in markets. The purpose of the study is to analyze the performance indicators of agricultural organizations in the period before and after the introduction of strict foreign economic restrictions (sanctions). The scientific novelty lies in establishing the dynamics of financial and economic indicators of the functioning of agricultural organizations depending on their size in the period before and after the introduction of strict foreign economic restrictions (sanctions). The research methods were the analysis of financial and economic indicators of the functioning of 50 agricultural organizations based on their grouping according to various criteria. The results of the study were to establish the dynamics of financial and economic indicators of industry organizations. The average annual sales revenue per organization in the period after the imposition of sanctions increased by 24.3 % compared to the period before the imposition of sanctions, gross profit by 79.0 %, net profit by 98.9 %. The largest increase in indicators was achieved by large business entities, while negative dynamics were observed in micro organizations. After the introduction of sanctions, the profitability of sales in medium-sized organizations increased by 9.7 percentage points, in large ones – 8.9, in small ones – 0.6 percentage points. There is an increase in other income (by 46.4 %) in the period after sanctions, including government support, with the largest share received in large organizations. The practical significance, under the conditions of sanctions, to increase support for small businesses in the agricultural sector of the economy.
foreign economic restrictions, sanctions, agriculture, sustainable development, data collection and analysis, financial indicators, economic indicators, gross profit, net profit, other income
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