Abstract. This article presents the results of studies of the species composition of fusarium fungi found in the affected ear and grain of winter soft wheat and winter triticale. Molecular genetic methods have revealed new fusarium species for the region, and the dominant species have been identified. More types of micromycetes were found on the susceptible variety. Methods. Confirmation of the species was carried out by PCR with universal primers and further sequencing of nucleotide sequences using the Sanger method. The β-tubulin gene region was amplified for sequencing. Results. 14 species of fungi of the genus Fusarium have been identified. The species F. graminearum dominated in all samples (frequency of occurrence 42.8 %). The species F. avenaceum (23.3 %), F. sporotrichioides and F. equiseti (8.8 % each) were noted with high frequency. Next, in descending order of occurrence: F. oxysporum, F. boothii, F. poae, F. proliferatum, F. incarnatum, F. vorosii, F. tricinctum, F. cerealis, F. sambucinum. Scientific novelty. For the first time, six species of fusarium fungi were found in diseased wheat grain: F. boothii, F. vorosii, F. cerealis, F. sporotrichioides, F. oxysporum, F. incarnatum. The results obtained indicate a community of fusarium fungi that are constantly present in the grain agrocenosis. Four species of fusarium have been found in the diseased triticale grain: F. graminearum. F. oxysporum, F. equiseti and F. boothii. Species differ from each other in terms of moisture and temperature requirements, as well as a set of toxic substances of secondary metabolism that ensure competitive interactions between species and successful colonization of the nutrient substrate. The constant presence of a complex of fusarium fungi in the agrocenosis, occupying various ecological niches, ensures continuous infection of the ear and grain, starting from the flowering phase to harvesting.
winter soft wheat, FHB (Fusarium head blight), fungi of the genus Fusarium, DNA marker, phylogenetic analysis
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