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Abstract (English):
Abstract. We haven’t scientific valid list of species for greening of landscaping objects within the South-Eastern Crimea, as a result of which a large loss of planting material ruination, low growth rates, and lack of decorativeness in planted plants during landscape planning. The main goal of our research is to develop a dendrological assortment, compositional approaches and elements of agrotechnics to the formation of a sustainable system of green spaces of the Art Cluster “Tavrida” taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of Kapselskaya Bay in South-Eastern Crimea. We used comparative-geographical, cartographic methods, methods for assessing the success of introduction plants and landscape planning. The main limiting factors: high summer temperatures; drought; negative winter temperatures; high insolation and wind load; sea breezes and dry winds; heavy rainfall; complex terrain; heavy waterproof low-fertility saline soils. A basic assortment for arboreal and shrubby plants with the following features has been developed: high heat resistance; high drought resistance (air and soil); relative winter hardiness; ability to tolerate soil compaction and salinization; resistance to mechanical and drying effects of wind, marine aerosols; ability to withstand soaking during heavy rains and storms. The assortment consists of 45 species, forms and varieties, including 12 conifers and 33 deciduous species. In regard to biomorphological features – 20 species of trees, 23 – shrubs and 2 – vines. Garden roses are represented by varieties from the garden groups floribunda, groundcover, polyanthus and climbing. Recommendations are given for towards in special types of garden and park plantings. Not recommended of plants groups are defined: mesophytes, golden and variegated forms and cultivars; invasive species and cultivars damaged by dangerous pests. The functional program, compositional solutions, and style of the landscape object are determined by two main circumstances: firstly, the creative focus of the space and the main target group of users – young people; secondly, the high aesthetic potential of natural landscapes and the recognizable authentic appearance of the surroundings of the Tavrida Art Cluster – the Meganom Peninsula and Cape Alchak. Complex soil conditions require additional pre-planting preparation of sites, such as making drainage, increasing the volume of planting capacity to compared the standard, substitution the soil to fertile crumbly substrate.

Art Cluster “Tavrida”, Kapselskaya Bay, dendrological assortment, green planting, soils, agrotechnics, South-Eastern Crimea
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