Rubrics: BIOLOGY
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Intensive pig production is associated with negative technological pressure on the pig organism. Selection for early maturity and meatiness leads to changes in the metabolism of the animal organism, which results in morphological and functional changes in the internal organs, muscle, fat and bone tissues. One of the serious problems faced by pig breeders is the spread of limb defects, including neoplasms and tumors in the hock area of the hind limbs. These limb defects do not cause lameness, but affect the exterior of breeding pigs, making them unsuitable for sale and having a negative impact on the efficiency of breeding centers. In addition, in pig breeding, limb diseases entail large economic losses due to decreased animal productivity. The purpose of the study was to assess the presence or absence of the effect of limb defects in the form of tumors and growths in the hock area on the parameters of the statistical distribution of productivity traits and their correlations in Large White pigs. Research methods. The research was conducted on Large White pigs from one of the breeding farms of the Russian Federation, which were divided into two groups depending on the condition of the limbs. The characteristics of the population under consideration were studied and the possibilities of using statistical criteria for assessing differences were determined, the distribution of features was tested for normality using Q-Q (probability) graphs. A correlation analysis of features was carried out using the Pearson criterion. A correlation test was used to assess the level of reliability. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the presence of limb defects affects the variability of productivity indicators, and is also associated with worse levels of features. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the features of variability of productivity indicators of purebred pigs are considered depending on the condition of the pigs' limbs in the form of tumors and growths in the hock area. Further research on this issue should be aimed at establishing the biological mechanisms for the formation of limb defects in pigs.

pigs, Large White, limb defects, correlation, meat and fattening qualities
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